Nusano Inc., an expert in the production of medical radioisotopes, and PharmaLogic Holdings Corp., a radiopharmaceutical contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO), have announced a supply agreement to provide a more efficient and reliable supply of critical radioisotopes.

The agreement will increase access to on-demand radioisotope supplies provided by Nusano for use in pharmaceutical products produced in PharmaLogic’s network of facilities.

Radioisotopes are essential components in the active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) used in a class of new and emerging cancer therapies. Existing supply chains for medical radioisotopes are often strained, posing a challenge to patient care, clinical trials, and ongoing drug development.

“Partnering with innovative companies like Nusano enhances our capabilities to meet the unique needs of our customers,” said James Beatty, vice president of development and commercialization for PharmaLogic. “PharmaLogic is excited to collaborate with Nusano in our shared commitment to quality and advancement in radiopharmaceutical diagnostics and therapies.”

Under the terms of the agreement, Nusano will collaborate with PharmaLogic in advance of initial orders to determine a radionuclide production schedule that meets the needs of both PharmaLogic and its customers. Radioisotopes of priority interest for both parties include but are not limited to:

  • lutetium-177
  • actinium-225
  • copper-67
  • astatine-211


The companies intend to revisit and adjust the supply agreement annually to ensure it continues to meet the evolving needs of the radiopharmaceutical industry.

“Nusano is bringing unparalleled production capacity and flexibility to the market,” said Chris Lowe, CEO of Nusano. “Our proprietary production platform will be capable of making a full menu of radioisotopes of interest to healthcare and up to 12 different isotopes simultaneously. We look forward to working with PharmaLogic and its collaborators to alleviate supply chain pressures so they can focus on advancing new therapies for cancer patients.”

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About PackGene

PackGene Biotech is a world-leading CRO and CDMO, excelling in AAV vectors, mRNA, plasmid DNA, and lentiviral vector solutions. Our comprehensive offerings span from vector design and construction to AAV, lentivirus, and mRNA services. With a sharp focus on early-stage drug discovery, preclinical development, and cell and gene therapy trials, we deliver cost-effective, dependable, and scalable production solutions. Leveraging our groundbreaking π-alpha 293 AAV high-yield platform, we amplify AAV production by up to 10-fold, yielding up to 1e+17vg per batch to meet diverse commercial and clinical project needs. Moreover, our tailored mRNA and LNP products and services cater to every stage of drug and vaccine development, from research to GMP production, providing a seamless, end-to-end solution.

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