Lentivirus Plasmid Design and Construction

PackGene offers a diverse selection of lentiviral vectors designed for gene overexpression, shRNA expression, and miRNA regulation to support a wide range of research and therapeutic applications. Whether you need lentivirus CRISPR vectors for precise gene editing or lentivirus shRNA vectors for gene silencing, our platform provides a complete solution for your research needs.

To access our lentivirus plasmid database and design your vector, please use

Gene Overexpression Vectors

Our lentivirus vectors have been engineered to enhance gene expression within target cells, making them invaluable tools for studying gene function, modeling diseases, and exploring therapeutic applications. We clone your gene of interest into our pre-designed vectors, ensuring sustained expression through genomic integration.

To access our Lentivirus over-expression cloning vectors and gene elements library, please check piVector Designer

Available upon request, please contact our technical support team

Vector ID Promoter GOI capacity Promoter for Selection marker Selection marker
XL03C CMV 3.3Kbp EF1 CopGFP-2A-Puro
XL10C CMV 4Kbp EF1 mRuby2
XL11C CMV 4Kbp EF1 mCitrine
XL22C CMV 3.2kp EF1 mCherry-2A-Neo
XL23C EF1 4.2kb T2A CopGFP

CRISPR-Based Gene Editing and Regulation

PackGene offers high-quality lentivirus CRISPR vectors for precise gene editing and regulation. We offer plasmids for the expression of SpCas9, SaCas9, or gRNA, either separately or combined in an all-in-one vector. Our lentivirus Cas9 vector is de novo synthesized on a verified backbone, ensuring reliability and high production yields during lentivirus manufacturing.

Design your lentivirus CRISPR vector via piVector Designer or contact our Ph.D.-level tech support team.

shRNA Vectors

PackGene’s lentivirus shRNA vectors are engineered for gene silencing by expressing shRNA sequences, that are processed into siRNA to target and degrade mRNA. These vectors are important tools for knocking down gene expression and observing phenotypic changes. Additionally, we offer lentivirus shRNA cloning for custom vector construction. To access our lentivirus shRNA vector library and design your vector, please check piVector Designer.

Available upon request, please contact our technical support team to assist your design.

Vector ID Promoter Promoter for Selection marker Selection marker
XL03B U6 promoter EF1a EGFP-2A-Neo
XL04B U6 promoter CMV CopGFP-2A-Puro
XL05B U6 promoter CMV Puro
XL06B U6 promoter PGK Puro-lRES-mCherry
XL07B H1 promoter CMV CopGFP
XL08B H1 promoter CMV CopGFP-2A-Puro
XL09B H1 promoter CMV Puro
XL012B U6 promoter CMV Neo

miRNA Vectors

PackGene’s lentivirus miRNA vectors are customizable for overexpression or inhibition of specific miRNAs to provide insights into miRNA-mediated gene regulation. Lentivirus miRNA cloning is a valuable tool for research and developing miRNA-based therapies, particularly in cancer.

Vector design and construction are available upon request, please contact our technical support team.

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